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Elisity News

Elisity Named by IDC as Innovator for Edge Technologies for Digital-First Operations

"Elisity tackles endpoint security in an agentless way, making it easier for manufacturing, healthcare, and other industries to connect large numbers of OT equipment to networks quickly and securely."

San Jose, CA  – July 22, 2022 Elisity, Inc., the pioneer of Cognitive Trust™, the new platform for identity and behavior-based enterprise cybersecurity, was named by International Data Corporation (IDC) as one of three companies as innovators for edge technologies for digital-first operations.

"Organizations are working across a diverse landscape of technologies and protocols to support digital-first businesses and operations. Deploying and operating edge infrastructure at scale is a heavy lift for most organizations. The vendors profiled in this IDC Innovators research are acutely aware of the challenges organizations face, and have developed technologies to make edge data collection easier and more secure," said Jennifer Cooke, research director, Edge Strategies at IDC.

The report, IDC Innovators: Edge Technologies for Digital-First Operations, 2022 (IDC #US46021820), profiles three companies that offer edge technologies for digital-first operations. The three companies are Elisity, IoTech, and Losant.

About Elisity

Elisity delivers frictionless, centrally managed zero trust access security to effectively and efficiently protect corporate data and critical assets from malicious lateral movement across the network. Cognitive Trust is Elisity’s cloud-native and cloud-delivered solution for identity-based segmentation and least privilege access of users, applications, and devices (managed and unmanaged). The solution enables organizations to quickly gain visibility into network assets and traffic flows and begin building policies to protect the most critical enterprise assets. Elisity is backed by Two Bear Capital, AllegisCyber Capital, and Atlantic Bridge.

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