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Elisity Blog

NSA, CISA, FBI Release Critical OT Security Guidelines: What CISOs Need to Know

The Evolving Landscape of Operational Technology Security

In an unprecedented move, cybersecurity agencies from Australia, the United States, and several other nations have joined forces to release a comprehensive guide on securing critical infrastructure operational technology (OT) systems. This collaboration underscores the growing importance of OT security in our interconnected world. For CISOs, Security Architects, and IT leaders in manufacturing, industrial, and healthcare organizations, this development presents both challenges and opportunities.

Understanding the Six Principles of OT Cybersecurity

The newly released document "Principles of Operational Technology Cybersecurity" outlines six fundamental principles that should guide the creation and maintenance of a safe, secure OT environment:

  1. Safety is paramount
  2. Knowledge of the business is crucial
  3. OT data is extremely valuable and needs to be protected
  4. Segment and segregate OT from all other networks
  5. The supply chain must be secure
  6. People are essential for OT cybersecurity

These principles provide a framework for organizations to assess how business decisions may impact OT cybersecurity and identify specific risks associated with those decisions.

Implementing the Principles: A Strategic Approach

Safety First: The Foundation of OT Security

Unlike corporate IT systems, where innovation and rapid development are prioritized, OT environments must consider threats to life in daily decision-making. This principle should permeate all aspects of OT management, from system design to maintenance procedures.

To implement this principle effectively, organizations should:

  • Conduct regular safety assessments that incorporate cybersecurity considerations
  • Develop and maintain detailed incident response plans that prioritize safety
  • Invest in training programs that emphasize the intersection of safety and cybersecurity

Knowledge is Power: Understanding Your OT Environment

The guide emphasizes that a deep understanding of your business and OT systems is crucial for effective cybersecurity. This knowledge enables better protection, preparation, and response to cyber incidents.

Key actions for implementing this principle include:

  • Conducting comprehensive asset inventories, implementing platforms with deep discovery capabilities, and maintaining up-to-date system documentation
  • Establishing clear lines of communication between OT and IT teams
  • Regularly updating and testing business continuity plans that account for OT-specific scenarios

The Critical Role of Network Segmentation and Microsegmentation

One of the most actionable recommendations from the guide is the need to segment and segregate OT networks from all other networks. This aligns perfectly with the growing trend towards microsegmentation in cybersecurity strategies.

Why Microsegmentation Matters for OT Security

Microsegmentation enables organizations to create secure zones within their networks, significantly reducing the attack surface and limiting the potential impact of a breach. For OT environments, this is particularly crucial given the high stakes involved in critical infrastructure. In the recent Forrester Wave™ Microsegmentation Solutions, Q3 2024 Forrester stated that “we’re living in the golden age of microsegmentation” and “Security teams buy microsegmentation solutions to implement Zero Trust in the network. Microsegmentation tactically limits (or at least slows) the blast radius of ransomware, other malware, and active attackers. These offerings have massively evolved since our last evaluation in 2022.” Download and read the latest report https://www.elisity.com/forrester-wave-microsegmentation-the-golden-age-of-zero-trust-network-security-guide-to-forrester-wave-for-microsegmentation-solutions-q3-2024

Budgeting for Microsegmentation: A Wise Investment

While implementing microsegmentation may require initial investment, the long-term benefits far outweigh the costs. Here's how to justify the budget for microsegmentation:

  1. Risk Reduction: Demonstrate how microsegmentation can dramatically reduce the potential impact of a cyber attack on OT systems.
  2. Compliance: Highlight how microsegmentation helps meet regulatory requirements specific to your industry. For the latest insights read our white paper on Enhancing OT Network Security Through IEC 62443
  3. Operational Efficiency: Showcase how improved network visibility and control can lead to more efficient operations and troubleshooting.
  4. Future-Proofing: Emphasize how microsegmentation provides a flexible foundation for future security enhancements.

Beyond Technology: The Human Element in OT Security

The guide rightly emphasizes that people are essential for OT cybersecurity. This principle underscores the need for a comprehensive approach that goes beyond just technological solutions. Consider adopting the principles of Zero Trust and least privilege access for all OT users, workloads, and devices. 

Building a Culture of OT Security

To foster a strong OT security culture:

  • Develop targeted training programs for OT staff that emphasize both cybersecurity and safety
  • Create clear communication channels between OT and IT security teams
  • Regularly conduct tabletop exercises that simulate OT-specific cyber incidents

Securing the Supply Chain

The guide highlights the critical importance of supply chain security in OT environments. Organizations should:

  • Implement rigorous vendor assessment processes
  • Regularly audit and update third-party access controls
  • Develop incident response plans that account for supply chain vulnerabilities

A Call to Action for Manufacturing and Industrial OT Security

The release of these guidelines by leading global cybersecurity agencies signals a new era in OT security. For CISOs and IT leaders in organizations with significant OT footprints, now is the time to reassess and strengthen your OT security posture.

By embracing these principles, investing in critical technologies like microsegmentation, and fostering a culture of security awareness, organizations can significantly enhance their resilience against cyber threats in the OT space.

Remember, OT security is not just about protecting systems—it's about safeguarding critical infrastructure, ensuring public safety, and maintaining the trust of the communities we serve.

To learn more about how the Elisity platform can help protect your organization from lateral movement and east-west attacks while enhancing your overall security posture, contact us for a conversation or a personalized demo.

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