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Elisity Blog

Elisity: Simplifying Network Segmentation and Advancing Zero Trust Maturity

As the CEO of Elisity, I am both humbled and energized by our designation as a "Strong Performer" in The ForresterWave™: Microsegmentation Solutions, Q3, 2024. We believe this recognition, while gratifying, aligns perfectly with our vision since our founding in 2019: to revolutionize network segmentation by protecting users, workloads, and devices at scale with unparalleled simplicity and efficiency.

Our Journey and Vision

From day one, our mission has been clear: "To develop and market an innovative platform that reduces the complexity and costs associated with microsegmentation and empowers teams to apply security policies at scale." This straightforward goal has driven every decision and innovation at Elisity.

>Our journey began with a laser focus on network segmentation, enabling organizations to apply policies across their digital ecosystem. With a fresh round of funding and continued investment in engineering in 2021, we set out to build on our early success with design partners in pharma and clinical healthcare and radically simplify both the architecture and implementation requirements of legacy microsegmentation solutions.

In the cybersecurity realm, "simplifying architecture" often means creating more robust, resilient, and high-performing systems. It's an incredibly complex undertaking to build a SaaS-delivered solution that interfaces seamlessly with an organization's network infrastructure – the very lifeblood of modern enterprises. However, under the expert guidance of our CTO, Piotr Kupisiewicz, our team has remained steadfast in engineering the most effective approach to solving networking's greatest challenge and simplifying the underlying network operations while dramatically improving security posture.

Our Customers and Team: The Heart of Our Success

I want to extend my heartfelt appreciation to our customers, particularly our "design partners." These visionaries at large organizations recognize that a best-of-breed point solution often outperforms legacy platforms built by larger, public companies. Their insights and collaboration have been invaluable in shaping our product.

Our success is also a testament to our Customer Success team, led by Pete Doolittle. Their unwavering commitment to our customers' success, measured simply as active segmentation policies deployed across all enterprise assets, and their ability to consistently outperform and outclass our competition is critical to our growth.

The Forrester Wave Experience

Participating in the Forrester Research Wave process was both exciting and challenging. It united our team as we navigated through extensive questionnaires, briefings, and demos. The depth of knowledge and passion exhibited by the Forrester analysts, coupled with their balanced evaluation process and clear efforts to quantify a rapidly evolving market, are very much appreciated. We believe that CISOs, IT, Security, and Network leaders will find tremendous value in the insights provided by this report.

Our Position as a Strong Performer

In our debut appearance in a Forrester Wave, Elisity received the highest score in four criteria: vision, roadmap, network-based enforcement, and OT, healthcare, and IoT. We're particularly proud of Forrester's statements about Elisity in the report:

- "Elisity offers a fresh and exciting take on the old idea of making the network do the work."

- "The vendor's vision is straightforward: to finally realize the least privilege access principle of Zero Trust where it is needed most; which is the network."


- "Customers with physical sites like OT and healthcare that are running switches from Juniper, Cisco, or Arista will appreciate the agentless, policy-by-type innovation of Elisity."


- "Network infrastructure vendors have long had microsegmentation solutions on the market, but they were prone to project failure, usually due to complexity. Elisity makes this old idea work by removing the complexity, compressing the policy, and leveraging multiple vendors' switch fabrics to enable microsegmentation."

Looking Ahead

As we move forward, I'm filled with confidence in our trajectory. We have strong momentum, supportive customers and investors, expert teams across all functions, aligned with an unwavering passion to delight our customers and challenge the status quo in our industry.

I invite you to read the Forrester Wave™ report or schedule a demo of Elisity . Either way, you'll take a significant step towards reducing risks and accelerating your Zero Trust maturity.

In this dynamic cybersecurity landscape, Elisity stands ready to transform how organizations approach network segmentation, least privilege access, and Zero Trust. Join us on this exciting journey.


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