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Matias Comella

Matias Comella

Matias has over 20 years of experience with B2B IT marketing, mostly in the information security space. His experience includes a decade working at Symantec (later acquired by Broadcom) and over two years at Netsurion, an MSSP that develops its own EDR solution. He's been writing blogs and white papers about network security topics for the past several years.

Posts by Matias Comella

Regaining Our Trust in the Security of Our Critical Infrastructure
Regaining Our Trust in the Security of Our Critical Infrastructure

Regaining Our Trust in the Security of Our Critical Infrastructure

May 17, 2021 11:18:30 AM 6 min read
How to Begin Your Zero Trust Journey
How to Begin Your Zero Trust Journey

How to Begin Your Zero Trust Journey

Apr 7, 2021 7:45:52 PM 6 min read